About Us
About Us
Welcome to Furry Friends Inc.! From providing the perfect nutritional foods, fun toys and a spa grooming experience your pet will enjoy, we have it all for you & your furry friends.Since childhood, our houses were filled with four-legged pets. As adults, we have have shared our homes, our lives, and our love with multiple dogs. We also know the pain felt when you lose a beloved animal.
When Furry Friends Inc. was founded in 2002, the mission was simple; provide the best nutritional food for a long and healthy life. That goal remains the same today. We research all the labels, so you as a pet parent can be assured you are feeding the best food possible. With the creation of our own brand of dog food, Furry Friends Inc., we were able to choose the best ingredients, and a USA manufacturing plant with a long-standing reputation for quality. Our furry friends depend on us to make the right decision about their nutritional needs. If we won't feed it to our pets, we won't feed it to yours!
Always doing the right thing, never compromising, always learning and maintaining our integrity means you can trust Furry Friends Inc. to help you choose the right foods, toys, treats and pampering experience for your furry family members.
We look forward to serving you and your furry friends.
Warm regards,

Bill and Janet
Furry Friends Inc..-for the love of pets
In 2018, we were selected as Pets+ One of America's Coolest Pet Stores